welcome to renz' blog ^^

this is mylife.
and my style.
At first I may seem shy,
but once you truly get to know me,
you will see my true colors.
so, here . . .
i will retell every single day of my life.
every moments.
whether it's happy or sad.
i only want to share my life wif u.
happy to noe u, fellas.
happy to noe u, my prince.
n happy to noe u, my GOD. ^^
have fun in here.
Photography Graphics

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


just now....
my auntie's doggie die.
sobs... TT
so sad... :'(
goodbye BRONIEE~
hikss.. hikss..
i don't have any strength to see ur death.
i only see 1 meter far from u.
but it's better u to be lyk this than u'r suffering alot.
pls be happie at the heaven ya. wuwuwu @.@
no pic of it.
i dowan u see my sadness of leaving my dog.
haaiizz... TT
july, 8th, 2009.
i love u, broniee~