welcome to renz' blog ^^

this is mylife.
and my style.
At first I may seem shy,
but once you truly get to know me,
you will see my true colors.
so, here . . .
i will retell every single day of my life.
every moments.
whether it's happy or sad.
i only want to share my life wif u.
happy to noe u, fellas.
happy to noe u, my prince.
n happy to noe u, my GOD. ^^
have fun in here.
Photography Graphics

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

recent exam score

dbagi 3 ul hr ini.
ekonomi : 65 (pas2an)
math: 87,5 (buat nutupin ul g selanjutanna yg dah g predict remed)
ing: 83 & 86. (not bad laaa~)
intinya,...g um isa dp nilai yg isa bkin g puas nie.
mst lbh rajin bljr lge.
nilai segitu mn isa dbanggakan yah..
mac kalah ma tmn2 yg laen.
yg laen jg pzt bkal lbh berusaha lge biar dp bgs
nah klo g cm segitu...?hufff...
dunno dehh~~~~