welcome to renz' blog ^^

this is mylife.
and my style.
At first I may seem shy,
but once you truly get to know me,
you will see my true colors.
so, here . . .
i will retell every single day of my life.
every moments.
whether it's happy or sad.
i only want to share my life wif u.
happy to noe u, fellas.
happy to noe u, my prince.
n happy to noe u, my GOD. ^^
have fun in here.
Photography Graphics

Friday, November 14, 2008

end of week


berakhir jg mgg ini....

so tired aaa~

full of exams, from mon-fri.

next week will b more relax.

i get exama only on mon n fri.yeahhh..

n for so many times ady,,

finally today me n cindy attend our extracurricular.


hahaha. tp itu ajahh karena slh info.

as we heard, hr ini tuhh ambil nilai na...

ehh gag tw na mac mgg dpn...sigh..

tw gituhh bolos lg euyy...XD

akhirna ud isa pilih kamar buat karya wisata akhir bulan ini

g sekamar ma getta,cindy,fenni n ella.

wow...pzt bkalan begadang nie..

ngob mulu mpe pagi..hihihi :):):)

i'm going to tell u bout my todae's exam


ssh bgt!!!!!!!gilaggg...PPKN koq dbuat ssh...sigh.

akhirna, agama g pun gag isa kerjain

dahh lupa mua..

KN jm pel pertama, agama kedua...

otak diforsir uiiyy...

daahh ahh..pgn dinner dlo....

fs lg error.jd gag isa ngapa2in jg..

c yaaa...^^