welcome to renz' blog ^^

this is mylife.
and my style.
At first I may seem shy,
but once you truly get to know me,
you will see my true colors.
so, here . . .
i will retell every single day of my life.
every moments.
whether it's happy or sad.
i only want to share my life wif u.
happy to noe u, fellas.
happy to noe u, my prince.
n happy to noe u, my GOD. ^^
have fun in here.
Photography Graphics

Monday, October 13, 2008

hv we broken up o not?

I don’t noe how to sae dis one.
Too sad to be spoken.
Too hurt to be felt.
Too egoistic to be covered.
Separation is sumthin I give the cold shoulder from the beginning.
If I went back to the first time we met,
our beginning, we smile, we laugh, we talk without end.
We thought tat there is no end for us to b brother-sister.
N oso to b boyfren-girlfren.
But if I realized wad is the situation now,
the condition is not the same at all.
All is gone. All is just BYE – BYE.
We juz boy fren-girl fren.
Hey! Where is the LOVE?
I even still dunno where it is.
Why is it – something I call it love – so hard to find?
For many times, 15 times ady i’ve been looking for love,
But it all ends in sorrow.
牵牵牵牵手, 一直坐到最后,我们开心的梦游。
But tat was juz OUR dream. Oh, maybe not OUR,
But MY dream. I’m juz a little dreamer.
Ms. Dreamer Renz. Hahaha
Is there any second change to fix these all?
分手。 。。分手。。。
情原谅我。 我怕说不出口。=‘)
I couldn’t count how much tears go down
from eyes to my lips yesterday.
U come n go sweetly.
Makes me don’t hv any single words to sae anymore.
Mom, i haven’t told u about dis.
Later u’ll know it by urself.
Sorry mom, i pass up ur wish. L
U wish tat i didn’t change bf many times,
N try to walk on wad u called – MATURE LOVE –
Not easily break up.
In every problems, in every polemic,
N in every dilemma, me n him, hv to solve it temperate.
Tat’s wad she said to me last time. Hahaha.
I still, AGAIN n AGAIN, can’t do it well.
I feel shy wif myself.
Once again, for a million times,SORRY MOM.
------------------ Mungkin aq tidaklah sempurna
Tetapi hatiku memilikimu sepanjang umurku
Mungkin aq tak bisa memiliki
Dirimu seumur hidupku.

------------Apakah yg engkau cari?
Tak kau temukan di hatiku
Apakah yg engkau inginkan?
Tak dapat lagi kupenuhi
Begitulah aq, pahamilah aq.
Udah ahh,
Gag mu sedih2 lg hr ini.
Hidup g masih pjg.
Klo emank ini jln yg hrs g tempuh,
G akan jalani ini semua.
Dr awal g takut bgt utk kehilangan u,
Mgkn itulah kesalahan terbesar g,
Skrg hal itu malah bnr2 terjadi,
N ketakutan it menghantui g mpe saat ini,
Goblog bgt. Tolol. Hidup dkelilingi rasa takut. ><
G gag takut hantu, g malah lebih takut kehilangan u.
Shit. Cinta cepatlah datang ke g.
G uda nyari lo begitu lama,
Np gag dtg2 jg sihh.
Kasiann lin. Ms. Lonely skrg. =’)
Hal ini spt mimpi di siang bolong.
Guys, u noe wad?
G smlm bb jm 7 an lho. Hahaha
Karena g begitu felt lonely,
Makanya g bb ajahh,
Skrg jam 3 pagi g uda bgn.
Bljr sosiologi, truz buat blog ini dehh.
N g ru isa post blog biz g plg skul.
Coz inet ad d kmr my big bro. Hah.
Pgn cepet2 taon baru.....
Spy g isa pny spirit baru lg.
Gag diem kyk gini ajahh,
Gag tau hrs berbuat apa.
Buat sepupu g ticia,
Hey pu, koq qta sm sihh.
U lg broken heart last time,
N now g ngerasain hal yg sm ma u,
G jg broken heart nie. Sobz.
Tp 1 hal yg pzt,
Gag ad yg perlu disesali,
Karena itu semua bkn salah g n dy pu.
Mgkn emank g n dy gag berjodoh.
Walopun g n erwin byk kesamaan jg sihh.
Sm2 sk jay chou,
Sm2 jau dr ortu,
Sm2 ank bungsu,
Wincinlin; lincinwin....
Dr awal jg srg bgt berantem,
Too much tears.
Dan x ini adalah klimaks na.
Buat co2 laen na,
Pls. Jgn sakitin g lg yahh.
Uda gag tw ini yg keberapa x na,
Ribuan x g dsakitin,
N itu membuat g makin gag percaya
Sama yg namany CINTA.
Yg g tw skrg,
Cinta cm isa g dptin dr JESUS CHRIST,
My family, my b.f.f = angel,
N my cousin = patricia.
Tuhan, berbicaralah padaku.
Apakah ini akhir dr kisah cintaku?
( soq puitis* soq dramatisasi* )
Terlalu byk kenangan manis ma dy,
Begitu pula kenangan pahit bersama dy,
Perjuangan g isa mpe liburan k sg,
Dr awal mu ikut study tour,
Biz itu mu pegi ma mai, ella, jesslyn,
Pegi tour ndiri, mua ny gagal,
Mpe akhirna malah 1 fam pegi k sg,
Bahkan mpe kuku g pun ikut,
N erwin jd kenal ma ortu n kuku g.
Pls answer me GOD.....